回国卖车Toyota Camry $1600


Selling 1999 Toyota Camry at $1600



大家好,我正在转手一辆1999年的Toyota Camry LE轿车,售价$1600

KBB 参考报价: excellent condition $2526, Very good condition $2303, good condition $2131, fair condition $1941.


Camry是我去年向BNL的一位靠谱的同事那买的,他自从1999年买了这车之后对车子就悉心保养,从未出过任何事故。该换的零件在近些年内都更新过,包括:到了100K以后必须更换的timing belt和water pump,前年刚更换过车载音响系统,电池和轮胎,去年刚更换的刹车系统、电池电极。另外,车内空调制冷和制热系统都能正常工作。

我于去年6月买了这辆Camry之后对它也是悉心维护,买车时还去PepBoys做过详细的机械检查,按照他们的建议,对车子的4个轮胎做了alignment,还有一些必要的tune up。这大半年来没出现任何故障,非常的可靠。


车子目前在学校附近,有需要的同学,请电话联系(631) 568-4767。 请用英文联系,因为最近是我的一个美国朋友在帮我卖

English Version:

Hi everyone,

I am selling this 99 Toyota Camry LE sedan, auto transmission, with mileage of 154000 miles at the price: $1600.

KBB price: excellent condition $2526, Very good condition $2303, good condition $2131, fair condition $1941.

I graduated from SBU and now work at BNL. I bought this Camry from one of my colleagues at BNL about an half year ago. My colleague owned this car since 1999, and both of us have maintained the car very well.

As we know, Camry is a one of the most reliable car in the world. Despite the age of this Camry, it is still in good condition and runs great. The engine and transmission are excellent , and the radio, air conditioning is also working very well. We have replaced most of the aging parts of car including battery, timing belt, audio system, water pumps, and brakes, etc.

Additionally, I also did a mechanical check for the car about half year ago at PepBoys, and I did four tires alignment and some tune up as mechanist from PepBoys suggested.

If you are interested in my car, please make appointment and take a look.

Please Contact at (631) 568-4767

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Edward 发布于 2016-02-16T16:48:18Z

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