最上一排: Chemistry(CHE 131 132), Single Variable Calculus (Calc I&2 MAT131 132 125 126 127), Thoughtful Writing (WRT 101)
小说书开始,有些也是上某些课能用的:Bilbao New York Bilbao, The Carpenter's Pencil, The time of the Doves, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Complete Persepolis, Americal Gods, A Feast of Crows, A Dance with Dragons (冰火第四第五本), Blindsight
另外一本physics 活页版有binder
村上春树The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, Woody Allen 门萨的娼妓 (中文)
DeLonghi 蒸汽式espresso机
要书或者咖啡机带价格text 到 9293510454
Shawn 发布于 2017-08-10T22:46:09Z