因访学期满回国,现有一辆2007 BMW328Xi(刚过136kmile)出售,2月1日提车。轿跑,2门4座,配备倒车雷达、蓝牙、车载导航、天窗、真皮座椅加热等,并可根据路况调节行车模式。现甩卖价$5000,少刀,可人民币或美金支付。喜欢轿跑的你,它将是你不错的选择!
短信: 6315780414
微信: zm331046250
2007 BMW328Xi, About 136kmile, Navigation System, DVD, Bluetooth Wireless, Dual Power Seats, Leather. Good condition, but there are some dents and scratches in front and back. can be paid by dollar or REN MINBI. You can get if on FEB 1 st,2018.
Text: 6315780414
WeChat: zm331046250
zhuoyuezhima 发布于 2017-12-19T15:49:17Z