i5 Gaming PC - $250

Hi, I'm selling this Dell pc upgraded into a gaming computer.

Has a 4th gen Intel i5 4570. Can be upgraded to an i7 like a i7-4770 or 4790.

Has 8gb of ram.

A 120gb ssd (solid state drive) with windows 10 pro 64 bit installed. An ssd is much faster than a normal hard drive. Boots pc up fast. Opens programs much faster. Windows experience is just overall much faster and more responsive.

Has a 2nd 500gb Hard Drive for storage.

Gpu (graphics card) is a GT 1030 2gb GDDR5. Just bought new. Comes with box.

Polite Meows XD 发布于 2020-03-10T22:31:20Z

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    Polite Meows XD 发布于 2020-03-10T22:31:37Z