请用十分钟填写问卷,赢取¥20 礼品卡(可选亚马逊、苹果或星巴克)


         我是佛罗里达州立大学的博士生。烦请大家填写一份问卷调查,用时不超过十分钟。 事关毕业论文,请大家一定帮个忙, 拜托了! 祝大家学业顺利, 身体安康!



Dear fellow Chinese student,

I am Fang Liang, a PhD candidate from College of Education at Florida State University. I am conducting a study on Mindsets, Academic Writing Anxiety, and Writing Achievement of Chinese Graduate Students.

I sincerely invite you to participate in my study by completing an online survey questionnaire. The questionnaire will take approximately 15 minutes. Upon completion of the questionnaire, you will be qualified to enter in a raffle. You will have a chance of winning $20 worth’s of e-Gift Card (Number of raffle prizes: 50; target number of participants for the study: 580).

If you are interested, please use this link to the survey:   https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_daNm6neNz4MYMTQ

If you have friends who are graduate students studying in other American universities, please feel free to share the survey link. Please contact me at [email protected], if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you very much for your help and time in advance.


Fang Liang


darceyliang 发布于 2022-08-15T14:48:29Z

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