2 bedrooms for rent , 3 mile away from SBU

I have 2 furnished rooms available for rent in my house basement, a decent quiet neighborhood. 3 miles away from university, 7 minutes driving, separate entrance. looking for 2 quiet graduate/PHD students. Living room, Kitchen and bathroom shared. one school year lease is required. please email:[email protected] if interested

Thanks for your attention
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dingtangxiang 发布于 2016-08-01T23:18:13Z

6 条回复

  • Contact info plz, better email.

    Blake Zhang 发布于 2016-08-02T23:54:05Z

  • 没有联系方式啊

    Jack 发布于 2016-08-03T17:39:36Z

  • please email [email protected] if interested, thanks

    dingtangxiang 发布于 2016-08-03T21:33:53Z

  • 房子现在还有吗? 我想找单间 请问价位是多少

    Melanie Soek 发布于 2016-08-05T01:19:06Z

  • please contact me in email inquiry: [email protected]

    dingtang 发布于 2016-08-06T08:47:53Z

  • only one room available now. please contact me at [email protected]

    dingtang 发布于 2016-08-08T22:24:54Z