Sublease apartment 2 室 2 卫, 独立车库


我的lease 11 月底到期, 但是我已经定于10月初relocate 去德州,我是去年九月份搬到这里的,一直自己住, 一半的时间都在travel, 不住在这里。所以我的房子保持的很好, 这个街区很安全, 离stonybrook 开车20 分钟,2 室 2 卫, 独立车库, 厅很大, 适合有孩子的家庭, 或者两个人合租。 小区有每天收垃圾的服务, 有健身房,游泳池,网球场,leasing office有电脑打印扫描等很方便。 小区的具体介绍:

如果你感兴趣, 可以给我打电话: 832-876-0075, email [email protected]. 如果你愿意续租, 我们需要一起去leasing office, 他们要做基本的背景调查,然后重新给你做一个lease. 租金在1800-2000$ 之间 (6-18 个月, 租的时间长,会便宜一些)。这样你不用付申请费, 同时我另付你1000$。 

I'd like to sublease my 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment starting early Oct.

My lease will expire the end of Nov. However, I need to relocate to Texas in early Oct.  I moved in last Sep and lived here alone, and have been travelling a lot.

My apartment is in perfect condition, 2nd (top) floor, in a nice neighborhood with a 1 car garage and long driveway, trash pick-up service, gym, pool and nice leasing office. See the link for the details.

If you are interested, please call 832-876-0075 or email [email protected]. If you'd like to sublease my apartment, we will need to go to leasing office together and they will do some routine background checking, and redo the lease.  Rent varies depending on how long you want to rent (6 month – 18 month) ranging from 1800-2100. You will save on the application fee and I will pay you $1000 incentive after signing. 

qingmix 发布于 2017-07-29T15:53:28Z

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