Apartment for Rent 公寓出租

2间单人房出租,。独立入口。安静的街区。靠近沃尔玛。距离Stonybrook约12分钟车程。包水,煤气,电。如果您有兴趣,请致电347 476 2117或347 476 1561.如果您的电话未被接听,请留言。

2 single rooms for rent. Separate entrance. Quiet neighborhood. Close to Walmart. It is a 12-minute drive to Stonybrook. Water, gas, electricity included. If you are interested, please call 347 476 2117 or 347 476 1561. If your call is not answered, please leave a message.

awc1109 发布于 2018-07-18T21:05:25Z

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