步行10分钟左右到South P, high ceiling, 新装修,超大单间约280sqft, 有一带私人办公室的单间套间共约240sqft ,最小单间约130sqft,全新格力Kinghome 高效节能静音冷暧双向空调,配 ikea (宜家)家俱,记忆海绵床垫,常用家电和洗碗机,洗衣机烘干机,gas heating, 房东包, 水,网,landscaping, 6月中拎包入住,房东负责定期做卫生,加徽信或手机短信@ 917-623-1128 了解详情,看视频,和约看房
lsong 发布于 2024-06-07T02:45:04Z
30 条回复
lsong 发布于 2024-06-07T16:50:04Z
Please beware of this landlord, (917-623-1128). I once lived in a different house managed by this landlord, and it was an all-around frustrating and dreadful experience. The contract is like a trap, with little accountability on the landlord, and we needed to take care of many problems on our own. we were often threatened with the terms in the contract. definitely don't recommend – Marg 发布于 2024-06-17T01:41:08Z